Hello! Hi! Howdy!
I have had this blog for a year now and have only posted twice (Oh, the shame!), which I have since deleted, but have been a faithful blog stalker. ;) Well, I have decided to come out of the woodworks and start faithfully posting. I am shooting for once a week, maybe more (my life really isn't that interesting). I will mostly talk about my experience as a mother of a feisty, little (he is actually pretty tall) 3 year old boy. I will be honest, I am not one of those types that tells everyone that motherhood is great, stress free and quite a joy. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being a mother, and I wouldn't change it for the world, but there is some nitty, gritty stuff that goes on when your a parent that NO ONE tells you about. But I digress....
(The above picture was taken about 3 weeks before he turned 3. I cannot believe how much older he looks in this picture)
Landon started at a new preschool in August, which I love! He has learned a lot, good and bad (bad from other children), but I can really see a huge difference in him over the past few months. And he is potty-trained! Potty-training will be in a post by itself.... It was one of the worst weekends ever, for him and me. He has become very defiant and we are having to come up with creative ways for discipline. Timeout does not work on this child. He just sits there, twiddles his thumbs and when timeout is done, he gets up like nothing happened. He has just "upgraded" to a big boy, twin bed and the bed time battles have been rough. (If you have suggestions, please let me know. I am open to almost anything) He loves sports, especially football, and watches every Cowboys game with daddy (and screams at the TV like him too). He is a tough kid but can also be a bit of a hypochondriac. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't hear "My finger is broken", "My head hurts", "Foot is hurting". All I have to do is tell him he is okay and then everything is right in the world again, simple as that. He also LOVES tractors. He can play with his tractors for hours, not kidding. He loves finding different items that he can use at "dirt".
As for me and the hubs, we are doing great. He have been married over 4 years now! I can't believe how fast the time goes. Hubs is still working as a correctional officer at the local state prison, which he loves, for some reason. He does have some very funny stories though, but it is a dangerous job and greatly unappreciated. I am now a legal assistant, hopefully, soon-to-be paralegal. I love my job and the firm I work for!
We have our spats (hey, just keeping it real!) from time to time, but we are always there for each other no matter what. We are currently in a weight loss challenge that ends in April. I have to stay motivated, I will be a bridesmaid in a rather large wedding in June, so I would love to look my best. I am down 25 pounds from my heaviest, but would love to lose much more, the holidays were not so good to me. Hopefully I can keep it up. I will probably blog about my successes and struggles.
I guess that is enough for now. I am off to clean the house!
Hope you have a fabulous day and week (possibly month if I don't get back. Kidding.... sort of)!